About Mr.Gavioli

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I first became interested in mechanical music at the age of thirteen, when I heard for the very first time, a fair organ playing at the Seend traction engine rally, in my home county of Wiltshire (anyone remember the Seend rally?).

Amongst the stalls there, was one that sold records and books of traction engines; They had a record of an organ with tigers on the front, it had 89 keys.......it didn't matter to a youngster what they were, it just made a great sound! The organ on that recording was the 89 key Gavioli belonging to the late Arthur Mills. I still have it to this day.

Now I find myself arranging music for organs....something which I never dreamed of even just a few years ago. It is a real sense of achievement to hear an instrument playing a piece of music that was only in your imagination before. I hope that you get as much pleasure listening to my efforts as I do from creating them.

The psuedonym 'Mr.Gavioli' came about quite by accident, and is in no way meant to be taken as putting myself on a level with the REAL Mr. Gavioli! A great friend of mine, who owns an organ, was moved to comment upon the times I had my head inside the organ case doing bits and pieces, he called me by that name as a joke, and it just stuck! It also sounded like a good name to use for arranging organ music under! That's me below!

Mr Gavioli !


Please note that all music arranged by myself is registered under the Performing Rights Society (PRS) and also the Mechanical Copyright Protection Society (MCPS) and as such my copyright to each piece will be enforced by law.

Postal Address

4 Park View Cottages, Lower Road, ERLESTOKE, Wiltshire, SN10 5UE, England.

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And don't forget to take a look at Nick Williams' fantastic mechanical organ website!

<Nick's 38 key 1920s Dutch Street Organ 'De Toren'

Organ Pictures

60 key Dutch Street Organ


Brian Wells' 89 key VB Gavioli

James Horton's 89 key VB Marenghi

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